
Monday, 25 February 2013

Special Offer for readers

for readers of the Linosaurus.

Recently a descendent-relative of printmaker Viktor Wolfgang Pirkhoff (1875-1962) contacted me having decided to sell a collection of 20 woodblock prints in his possession. I forward his request to show them in the Linosaurus giving readers of the Linosaurus the opportunity to have a first look and chance obtaining a print or maybe buy them as a collection or investment.  

The owner was of great help sending me many biographical facts about Pirkhhoff for the combined posting on this untill then very obscured painter and printmaker two years ago (use the search option of the Blog).

Most prints have never been framed and look in very fine condition having been stored for maybe 80 years.  I'll forward any interest without interfering in the "business" to owner Miroslav. Just give me a note in the comments section (below) or email me through the contact button (above). 

The pictures shown are thumbnail size, high resolution pictures can be send on request. Enjoy !

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Hélène Mass (Maß), printmaker (V)

Yes all right, I know this scene is not a beergarden (Biergarten), just a garden idyll. But recently it has led me to some great works of art that are related to this theme by contemporary artists (most were born approximately 1865-1875) in the time the subject of my recent postings, Hélène Maß, created this charming woodblock print.

At least I think she must have been acquainted with many of the artists and their works shown in this posting. Although it is a totally different medium Maß’ woodblock prints rival with the paintings in oil by her colleagues. The use of light, shade and colour by Maß are very reminiscent of the paintings and style of Max Uth (1863-1914) (above) maybe there’s an unknown connection somewhere. I’ll do a posting on this charming painter soon.
I just couldn’t resist creating a posting with this theme because I couldn’t find anything similar, discovering many new to me painters: very rewarding indeed. 

The great Max Liebermann (1847-1935) enjoyed the charms of the Biergarten very much, sketches, etchings and great paintings, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and visiting Leiden in the Netherlands. Capturing the filtered light and always the easy summer atmosphere.
Painter printmaker Daniël Staschus. 
What better place to be the in a traditional German Beergarden. After a Sunday stroll along iconic avenues or in one of the many parks enjoying a cool beer or lemonade in the shade of age-old trees. 
My favorite:  Hans Hartig (1873-1936)
Richard Bloos (1878-1956)
Seeing and being seen. Nothing much has changed in 100 years, but imagine the magic of beautiful cities like Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris and London without omni present motor vehicles and planes overhead but the pleasant noises of horse and carts, civilized conversation and laughter around you.

Georg Jauss (1867-1922) and Fritz von Uhde ((1848-1911)

There are and were many famous beer gardens (guesthouse, brasserie) in Berlin, around the Tiergarten, the famous central park with it’s equally famous Zoo and of course the Prater Biergarten and I cannot imagine this particular charming scene chosen so often but by the Berlin (post-)impressionist artists.

Fritz Gartz (1863-1960)
Max Stern (1872-1943)
Otto Eduard Pippel (1878-1960)
One more posting on Hélène Maß, her great times and her circle to go. For those who think they’ve had enough: I believe one is obliged finishing what was begun although I’m anxious to show some great new discoveries, new  forgotten printmakers and some great prints soonest. 

All pictures borrowed freely from the Internet for friendly, educational and non-commercial use.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Helene Mass (Maß), printmaker (IV)

Between 1875 and 1900 Berlin’s population (like those of London and Paris) roughly doubled. From 1 to 2 million (today 3,5 million). Around 1880 the Königliche Kunst und Gewerbe Schule was established after British Arts and Craft schools) and soon after a dozen more followed in most of Germany’s cities. In this Institution between 1890-1893 Walter Leistikow taught and  among them was Hélène Maß.   
Most of the world’ s todays great cities developed were great rivers meet the sea. There are exceptions: Paris, great river no sea. Berlin has neither sea nor Great River and rivers Spree and Havel, confluences of river Elbe are hardly navigable but creating a lovely lake district nearby. 

It was here, on the borders of the Wannsee in 1910 Max Liebermann, Germany’s great impressionist painter build his Villa Liebermann and retreated from the world, like Monet in Givenchy, to paint his garden and immediate surroundings.

Max Liebermann, one of the many paintings with chestnut and garden bench. 
Lower: Hélène Maß, (right: courtesy private collection of  Felicity Naylor)

Among the earliest German attempts on modern printmaking was Norwegian Edvard Munch (1863-1944) who was active in Berlin even before Orlik arrived. 

And in Munich Vasily Kandinsky (1866-1944) and his muse Gabriëlle Münter (1877-1962) were “at it” in the first years of the XXth century. But these artists making their later name and fame not by their printmaking but by painting. And their unusual love affair of course.   

Berlin in those years will have been riddled with Art Galleries, Art Shops, Workshops, Studio's and exhibitions held everywhere every day of the 52 weeks of the year. Around 1890-1910 Berlins cultural and artistic influences and popularity, it's many academies, schools, tutors and established artist matching London, Paris and Prag.
"Spree-schlepper" (Spree tugboat) and "bei den Spreefischern" Berlin 1906 prints by Thiemann and Klemm auction catalogue thumbnails. My WBR (web based research, with its limitations and restrictions) so far failed to locate them in color and reasonable resolution. Readers are invited to help discovering them.

In 1906 Walter Klemm and Carl Thiemann visited their colleague and teacher Orlik in Berlin. In 1907 they participated in an exhibition in Hamburg and several works of both men were discussed (reviewd and appraised) later in 1908 in "Zeitschrift für Verfielfaltigende Kunst". Several Hamburg and Prague views and these two River Spree Berlin prints were discussed. And also Thiemann’s swann and Klemm’s turkeys.

Also mentioned and much appraised was the colorful and "Japanese in execution" pine-print by Thiemann, probably the horizontal print below. The pines founnd around the lake Grünewald (Grünewaldsee), a popular and beautiful location forever linked to the many paintings by Mass' painting teacher Walter Leistikow. 

(Shiro Kasamatsu: "Kinokunisaka in Rainy Season")

See also this very fresh posting on Emil Orlik.

All pictures borrowed (reblogged) freely from the internet for friendly, educational non commmercial use.

(to be continued)