
Monday, 24 May 2010

E. Meinshausen-Felsing

E. Meinshausen-Felsing
(..... - .....)
German painter and woodblock artist
This print is one of the first "Eigene Handdruck", I purchased through Ebay. A spring flowers composition ("Frühlingsblumen").
Sofar I have not been able to find anything at all about this artist. I am not a paying member of any Digital Art(ists) Index. I only have found pictures of oil paintings in older German auction cataloques. "Mixed mediums, combined technics and special Japanese silk papers". All of them show flowers.


"Lilliën", holzschnitt

no title
I don't even know if she is German or Austrian. One day, I am sure, facts and more pictures will show up.
And then a few weeks ago I stumbled over this threesome. Offered in one sale ...... Spring is in the air !

They were bought together in Bonn some 40 years ago the seller knew. And again bought together to stay that way! They came in today in stylish original frames and perfect colors, 11 x 26 cm.


  1. The artist seems to be German. My grandmother has three of her paintings hanging in her house. One was given to her by the artist herself as a wedding present as the artist was the sister in-law of my grandmother's mother. I have been trying to find out more about her as I would love to know more about the paintings as well.

  2. Hello Katja, thank you very much for commenting. I had hopes for a long time someone might react. Please email me privately at I would very much like to know all about this artist. And any other works of art. I am working on a follow up of my first posting because I have found more examples and even bought another print since this posting one year ago.

  3. I found exactly these "springflowers" on the rubbish last week. Did you find any information about the painter, yet?

    Would be great if you could send me some information by email:


  4. Marlies Meinshausen-Felsing was my great-great-grandmother. She lived last time all alone as an artist at Höfelweg, 76547 Sinzheim (near Baden-Baden) in Germany. She died in 1970s.
    Best regards R.-M. Meinshausen

  5. Danke vielmals, bitte emailen Sie mir privat und gerne in Deutsch. Ik habe mittlerweile ein schöne Sammlung mit Drücke und möchte so gern mehr über diese Künstlerin wissen: oder . Freundliche Grüsse, Gerbrand Caspers, Friesland, Niederlände
