
Saturday, 29 May 2010

Jac de Beer

Jac de Beer

Japanese Lanterns in vase
"eigen handdruk, houtsnede, 27/50" signed l.r.

"Kaacher plassen handdruk" signed l.r.

Although his woodblock prints regularly show up in auctions and carbootsales this Dutch artist is an enigma. I have never found a single word on his art or his life. I collected the first 5 here presented sofar.

Orchids in Art Deco pot , signed l.r.

Nasturtiums in glas vase, signed l.r.

Vliegenzwam (agaric) , signed l.r.

Oosterpoort, Delft (Netherlands)



  1. Hi, I have a few extra pictures (7 woodcuts and 1 litho) of Jac de Beer for you.
    Give me your email and i will send them to you.
    Best regards,

  2. He is in the RKD, but do you already have some information on the enigma?
    I have the orchid

  3. Hello stranger, usually I donot answer or place totally anonymous emails or comments. I think it is not very polite not even writing a name. But I am very happy for you. You having the orchid, it's one of his best I think. My email is in the contact button.
    Thanks gor leaving a comment anyway.
