
Thursday, 3 June 2010

last finds and NOID (1): 1960's birds

Who ..........
made these wonderfull prints ? "Handdruck Holzschnitt". Nobody wanted them on Ebay. Can you imagine ? I very much would like to find out who the maker is. I really want to investigate this artist.

They are quite big: 40 x 50 cm, paper size 50 x 60 cm.

They are very related with personal childhood memories. Looking at them, rematted in matching pastelcolored board and with a simple but quality wooden frame they just "make my day". To me they have a very 1960's, Scandinavian "feel and atmosphere". The signature doesn't ring a bell, Densner /67, is what I make of it. But I still have no clue who that might have been.

On a shop wall on the wonderfull Island were we once lived I always enjoyed these 4 concrete wall decorations. I often tried persuading the shopkeeper selling them to me. Or, on the day of his retirement not to include them in the shop's inventory. The shop's gone now. And the owner. The birds flown ............ Memories. But for these pictures taken in just time.

1960's concrete wall decorations "birds"
"Gallerie Uniek", Hollum, Isle of Ameland, Netherlands

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