
Sunday, 22 August 2010

Henri le Waroquier

Henri le Waroquier

(1881 - 1970)

French mulitmedia painter, sculptor, drawer and graphik artist.

I know... This is a picture I found and borrowed from the Blue Lantern, Jane Librizzi's most wonderfull weblog. Which I wished finding earlier. If you haven't, rush to:

I have done a good deal of rainy-day back-reading on Jane's blog (it should be a book really) and decided to show this print in todays posting. You cannot possibly find this picture or know of its existence because it's from a book: "Images de Bretagne" by Jean-Pierre Fourcade, Paris, Somogy: 2000.
It's very oriental appearance pleases me so much that I wished and tried finding more prints by Henri. But I failed to do so. Henri is probably showing us his studio, paintbrushes and sketches and two chinese vases. In three shades of brown and three shades of gray/black.

Maybe this posting helps finding more of Henri's woodblock art.
for further reading on Henri le Waroquier

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