
Wednesday, 25 August 2010

R. Novotny

R. Novotny

Tzech or Hongarian Printer ?

Stumbling over this woodblock print with great colours on Ebay and later finding that Clive wrote a recommendation about it was a bit of a revelation. I think in his description he said "in the old tradition but as late as 1965". That date is written in pencil with a signature: R. Novotny and a title in german: "Abendfrieden" (Evening Peace) I tried hard finding R. Novotny. But although a hord of Novotnys is mentioned in the AKL , the beyond praise German Algemeine Künstler Lexikon not one Novotny in there with first name R. There is one Emile Robert Novotny (1898 -1975) that data could "fit" but if he is the one ? He is mentioned to be a figure and landscape painter, a graphics artist and Linocutter (!)

Recently a very nice oil painting by Emile Robert Novotny was offered on Ebay and sold. I just show it here because it was a very nice painting. A lot of attention for circus paintings because it sold at a very good price !

There were just so many good graphical artists (1900-1960) in Hungary in perticular. More per capita then in any other country. As was the case in Germany. Many a good artist in those days is completely without record or trace of their lives and works in our days. This Blog is all about trying to find out.

The Abendfrieden print after some debating (but nobody wanted it) with the seller changed hands as you will have gathered by now.


  1. Well captured Gerrie. I have to say, although I have never seen that woodblock in person, the depth, colours and beauty of it, is quite haunting. It seems astonishing that the two items are created by the same person, but stranger things have happened. If the print belongs to you, I think it is a nice buy.

  2. I've had some help trying finding the artist R. Novotny. There are many Novotny's but Emile Robert the only one fitting in time and name. Maybe someday someone confirms.
