
Thursday, 15 January 2015

Fanny Remak, Part I: Who was she ?

How can one even try to describe or write about an artist not knowing a single work of art she's ever produced ? In my research concerning the first generation of German women printmakers busy with color woodblock printmaking there're a few artist I just happen to know by one or two works. Fanny, however, is a mystery, a complete blank. So, in my ongoing research, here's all I have on her: my first posting without any examples to share. But it's all I have and was able to find about her life and family. Please help me to do her honor and give her the place in printmaking history she deserves. The biography I composed is followed by the genealogy I tried  to reconstruct with data harvested from the Internet: Blessed is the Internet for friendly purposes. Her life and world destroyed, her brother murdered and what was left of her family emigrated and found shelter  in a neighboring friendly country. 

As often before learning about artistic woman born in the 19th century she was of bourgeois, intellectual (industrial, influential, rich, medical and/or self-made) background. 

Remak, Fanny

(Berlin 1883 – 1970 London)

Painter, graphic artist (landscape, portrait and city views), teacher at Cambridge University. The second daughter of Jewish neurologist prof. Ernst Julius Remak (1849-1911) and Martha Hahn. Granddaughter of embryologist and first Jewish professor ever in Prussia Robert Remak (1815-1865). She was named after her great-grandmother Fanny (Franzeska) Wallach who probably was still alive in 1883 or had recently died). Studied in the “Zeichen und Malschule“ of the VdBK in Berlin with Ulrich Hübner (1872-1932) (below)
and 1912-1913in the studio of flower painter George Mosson (1851-1933) also in Berlin (below)
Then continued her studies in the “Académie Moderne” in Paris with Charles Guerin (1875-1939) (below)
and with Maurice Denis (1870-1943) (below),

one of the "Nabis" or "Wild Ones" and also in the “Academie Paul Ranson (1862-1909) in existence 1908-1944. In 1914 she is living as a student in the “Staatliche Kunstgewerbeschule” in Munich.  

Member of the “Freien Sucession” 1921 in Berlin. Permitted to teach painting and drawing in 1931. Board member of the “Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen” (VdBK) 1930-33. In 1933 she was banned from working as a Jewish artist (“Berufsverbot”). Emigrated to England (London) in 1939. Her sisters Feodore’s family already escaped in 1935. On her leave all she possessed was seized in Hamburg harbour and auctioned. She taught painting and drawing 1944-1950 in Cambridge. She was a close friend of Käte Munzer-Neumann (1877-1959) also a Jewish artist and likewise forgotten (below). 

Her brother Robert Remak (1888-1942) an awarded and famous German mathematician decided against odds to stay, defy the Nazi's and try to safe the family fortune and status. He was seized and murdered by the Nazis in Auschwitz in 1942. 

Fanny exhibited in the “Grosse Berliner Kunstaustellung”, in the VdBK 1927-30, and in the “Freie Secession” and was a member of the VdBK 1913-1934. Boardmember 1927-1933 (with other printmakers like Elisabeth von Oertzen, Julie Wolfthorn, Hélène Mass, L.E.M. Gerhardt, Auguste Lind-Graf, Marie Isenbart, Elisabeth Consentius and Augusta von Zitsewitz). She was chairwoman of the VdBK 1928-1933.


1a) Fanny Remak 

her brother and sister

1b      Remak, Dr. Robert (Berlin 14-02-1888 – 13-11-1942 Auschwitz), a mathematician.

1c     Remak, Feodore (Berlin 1881-1967 London) x Dr. Siegfried Litthauer (1869-1935 Berlin) their children: Litthauer, Ernst Karl, (Berlin 17-06-1916-1997 Warwickshire) partner of Erna Low (British travel business)

 and  Litthauer, Prof. Dr. Hildegard Theresa  (Berlin 20-02-1918 – 15-03-1989 London) married 1940 Dr. Fred Himmelweit (d.1977 a virologist and director of virus research in St. Mary’s hospital in London.
           She was send to study in England escaping the Nazi’s in 1934. They had a daughter Susuan 

1d) Remak, Georg (Berlin 1890-1979 Munich) who was a Prussian and German gouvernement official and high court judge. 

Fanny's parents

2     Remak,  Prof. Dr. Ernst Julius (Berlin 26-05-1849 – 24-05-1911 Wiesbaden), prof. (1893)  neurology in Berlin, married: 
3      Hahn, Martha (Berlin 1857-1932 Berlin)

Her grand-parents

4   Remak, Prof. Dr. Robert  (26-07-1815 – 29-08-1865) Polish/Prussian embryologist, neurologist (1828-1863), first Jewish Prussian professor, married 08-07-1848
5       Meyer, Feodore (1828-1863), their children:
                       - Ernst Julius (follows)
                       - (+ another son)
6       Hahn, Albert (Breslau 18-12-1824 – 10-02-1898 Berlin), selfmade industrialist building an  international imperium of pipe manufacturing and artificial wool (with Russia) married Berlin 1854
7       Rosenthal, Therese (1831-1912) their children (4 sons and 3 daughters):
- Oskar, (1860-1907), lawyer, industrialist in the firm of his father married Charlotte Landau, (1865-1934)
- Martin, (1865-1934) Prof. Hygiene, Microbiologist.

- Georg, (1864-1953) dir. Hänschen Werke. 
- Gertrud (1866-1954), married Kurt Hensel (1861-1941) Prof. mathematics
- Johannes (Hans)
- Fanny
          - Martha (follows)

her great-grand-parents

  8       Remak, Salomon Meyer, merchant in Posen (Poznan) Poland, married 
  9       Caro, Frederieke 
             Their children: Robert (1815-1865) follows, Gustavus (d.1886), Stefan (d.1889), Stanislas (d.1910), Henriete (married Adolf Loewenfeld)
10    Meyer, Eli Joachim (1783-1849),  merchant from Körlin (Coerlin), privat Berlin banker), married 
11       Abraham, Betty (Driessen 1888 – 1839 Berlin)
                    Their children: Abraham 1810-1881, Friedrich 1820-1881, Rosalie, Feodore (1828-1863) follows.
12      Elcan, Meyer (Martin) (1785-1854) Goldsmith in Neisse/Paris and Barmen, later merchant in Kassel and Breslau, married 
13      Hünern, Johanna (1792-1829)
14      Rosenthal, Isaac Samuel (1800-1860) cotton manufactor/merchant, married 
15      Wallach, Fanny 

great-great Grand-parents

20       Meyer, Joachim
24       Elcanan, Marcus (1755-1808) leather merchant and freight-trader in Glogau married:
25       Abraham, Gittel
26       Hünern, Hirsch genannt Jungmann  married:
27       Gotheiner, Reche
30       Wallach, David Moses (Dietrich Moritz) merchant in Berlin

All pictures and data borrowed freely from the Internet for friendly, educational and non commercial use only.     

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