
Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Lina Ammer in Eichstätt, a puzzle solved.

Lina Ammer's visit to Eichstätt (Bavaria)

(dating before 1929)

In the end Wolfgang usually finds what he is looking for solving the puzzle in last posting. The fountain is the "Willibaldsbrunnen" in Eichstätt in the heart of Bavaria. The building is Hotel "zum Träube" (the Grape). The name, closely examining, the artist even carved in the Block.

The Hotel has been under reconstruction in 1929 lifting the building with an extra floor (rows of windows).

Thank you Wolfgang !

And here're also with the help of Wolfgang and the "Allgäuer Auktionshaus Kühling" who on his request send the original photo's from their 2011 auction of these two Lina Ammer prints. Another Regensburg "Haus der Musik" (the right one)

 and a not identified historical but characteristic building.

Of this last one I "reconstructed", the left margin using Photoshop because it was hidden in the original photo.  
All pictures borrowed freely from the Internet for friendly, educational and non commercial use only.

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