
Monday, 11 January 2016

Hanns Kobinger: Austrian printmaker

Kobinger, Hanns
(Linz, 26-07-1892 – 25-01-1974 Gramastetten)

Austrian painter, etcher an printmaker.

A really charming woodblock flea-market find (!) by Wolfgang in Frankfurt lead me this weekend to this forgotten printmaker and painter. And even more interesting is the faded (or has some one tried to remove) dedication to its original owner: Hr. V.Admiral vom der Borne 1943. 

Schulterklappe eines Vizeadmirals (Truppendienst)Ärmelabzeichen der Jacke (Dienstanzug) eines Vizeadmirals (Truppendienst)Kurt (Gotthelf Kreuzwendedich) von dem Borne(*) (1885-1946 Russia) was the son of a Prussian general (1857-1933) with the same rather dramatic name. After a career in the navy and serving in WWI, going through the ranks he ended his career commanding the (after active service) artillerie schoolship SMS Kaiserin Augusta (build 1890 scrapped 1920 when von dem Borne retired from active service). Eventually in civil navy service he was promoted vice-admiral in september 1942 until his retirement in july 1944, was taken to Russia as a POW where he died, circumstances and place unknown.
(*) transl: Kurt God-help Cross-turn-thy von den Borne) 

SMS Kaiserin Augusta LOC det 4a04854.jpg

Hanns Kobinger was born as the third of three children and showed an early artistic talent during his school days, later attending the art-school of post impressionist Matthias May (1884-1923) who'd started an art school in Linz before moving to Munich in 1922 (and dying shortly after) and met regularly with other artists at the "Club Grille" leaded by Franz Kuhn (sorry, I have no idea who he was)

A severe accident in 1928 ended his career as an administrator he'd followed after finishing grammar school, but turned out to be the starting point of his artistic career. After spending several  years abroad (e.g. in Italy and Dalmatia) he moved to Grundlsee (Archkogel 53, Zlaim) with his second wife Eva Kirstein-Josupeit, where he lived until his death.

He was a member of the Linz artists Association (MEARZ) exhibiting 1926-1931 and after WWII in Austria and abroad: Stockholm,even Minneapolis and Minnesota in the USA. He was also a member of the Vienna Seccession. His works were rewarded with the "silver decoration of the republic Austria". Hans Kobinger is buried next to his wife on the cemetery in Grundlsee.

All pictures embiggen by mouse click.

All pictures borrowed freely from the internet for friendly, educational and non commercial use only. 

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