
Saturday, 27 August 2016

Of Paul en Johanna Haustein, Bernhard Pankok and Emil Orlik.

This nice print of a collie surfaced last week in German Ebay and this afternoon the auction ended after a lot of interest: 140€ (not by me !). The printmakers signature, hardly legible, was not identified by the seller. But I guess some else did. Also. Or perhaps it was bought by a doglover/collie owner. Just recently I've added the biography of the maker to my German printmakers Index. 

Haustein, Paul
(Chemnitz 17-05-1880 – 06-09-1944 Stuttgart)

Goldsmith, interior designer, medailleur, printmaker, arts & crafts artist and teacher. Studied in Dresden and Munich “Kunstgewerbeschule” (Arts and Crafts School) and in the:“Königliche Kunstakademie” in Munich with Johann Caspar (1843-1905). In 1901 Theodor von Kramer (1852-1927) the director of the “Bayrischen Gewerbemuseum” persuaded him to lead the yearly master-classes with Peter Behrend (1868-1940) and Richard Riemerschmid (1868-1957) and took part in the “Vereinigten Werkstätte für Kunst im Handwerk” also working for several important manufacturers and for his later colleague in the “Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt” Jugenstil ceramist Jacob Julius Scharvogel (1854-1938).

In 1903/04 he became a member of the “Darmstädter-künstlerkolonie” and 1905–1907 teacher (“Metallfach”) at the “Königlichen kunstgewerblichen Lehr- und Versuchswerkstätte” in Stuttgart, the later “Königliche Kunstgewerbeschule” and 1918 “Staatliche  Württembergische Kunstgewerbeschule” in which 1907-1944 he taught as professor “für Metallkunst” 1938-1940 acting as its director. He exhibited in 1903 in the 1903 World Expo in St. Louis (USA) and in 1910 in Brussels and working for Magazines like "Jugend". 

He married concert pianist Johanna Renck (1879-1975) who was close friends with Marianne Pankok-Geyer (1891-1941) the (2nd) wife of Bernhard Pankok (1872-1943) who's portrait was cut and printed by his friend Emil Orlik and who immortalized the two tea drinking ladies

To this day Paul Haustein as a printmaker is known to me by two woodblock prints. The cactus in a window,  below and also signed “P. Haustein” , the other being the Collie (dog), the print surfacing in German Ebay august 2016

A picture of a drawing by Haustein was send to me by fellow collector and research helper Wolfgang Barina in Frankfurt. It is showing a bend in the river scene with a distant village: Haustein added: Orlik inv. (after Emil Orlik) but so far I did not succeed in finding the original by Orlik. 

Paul Haustein won a Gold medal in Dresden 1906, Silver medal in St. Louis (USA) World Exhibition, and the Grand Prix in Brussels 1910.

Dresslers KHB 1921: Stuttgart, Am Weißenhof,.
Dresslers KHB 1930: Stuttgart, Obere Birkenwaldstraße 195. Member StKB, DWB, BDG.

All pictures borrowed freely from the Internet for friendly, educational and non commercial use only.

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