
Wednesday 11 January 2017

Gladys Hadkinson (IV): her fathers family

Gladys Hadkinson (IV) 
her fathers family. 

Gladys' father Charles Richard Hadkinson for a reason not yet understood, had settled from Smyrne to the Greece" mainland around 1890; expansion of the family business, political reasons ? And what lead him and his brother later to Alexandria ?  

Charles and his sister Lilian (1874-1972)

Charles owned an estate (he is mentioned as "farmer") near Krivolak in Macedonia, and is also mentioned as a mine director and probably served in 1910/20's in the Britsh Armed Forces on the Balkan. His three children were born in Macedonia. After WW1 Smyrne was occupied buy the Greeck but in 1922 Kemal Ataturk liberated the region. Now all the mainland is Turkish. 

From the 17th century several European countries controlled the profitable Levantine trade. First of all the Dutch, controlling the trade from Amsterdam but the British and the French and many other European countries participated. 

All nations established consulates organizing legal and diplomatic services, trading houses, transport (ships) business, consuls, diplomats etc.. Many families came to stay, we find generations of European settled in their own communities and marriages between "European Greecs" were frequent. A very international and prosperous society. 

Smyrne (now Izmir) is a natural harbour situated on the East coast of Turkey, one of the important classic cities like Troie, of ancient Greece. It was and is the gateway to the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean world), the  Middle-East (through ancient Aleppo in Syria) and connected through the silk-route to Persia, India and the far east. 

Ancient Greece World and modern Greece after 1922
Gladys grandfather Robert Hadkinson (Smyrne 1840-1924) was born in Smyrna as oldest son of Charles Hadkinson (1815-1881) who was born in Malta while his father James Hadkinson (1788-1855) originated from Manchester and married in Malta 1814 Scottish Amalia Johnson (Moffat Sc. 1798-1866 Manchester) but after a few years settling in Smyrne around 1820. They followed trading routes and "the money" to the Levant. 

Smyrna harbour around 1895
Founding the first olive oil factory in the mid 1870's Robert Hadkinson soon after owned several more factories near the sea growing into Anatolia's largest oil producer at the end of the 20th century owning two sunflower-, four sesame-, six cottonseed and ten olive- oil factories. He imported steam engines from England to power his factories. His mother Constanza Makritz (1822-1894) was born in Lussino (Croatia) but her name indicates a possible German descent. Robert had 10 brothers and sisters.   

Robert Hadkinson came to lead the British olive-oil & soap factories financed by investors in London in which also several brothers were involved. It is not far fetched assuming the Hadkinson family around this time was of considerable financial means.  

Robert married Anna Elisabeth Keun (1846-1911) from a 4th generation Smyrne Keun family of diplomats. Her great-grandfather Abraham Keun came to Smyrne as consul appointed by the Dutch VOC "Levantine Chamber" from Amsterdam, which was residing in newly build the "Palace on the Dam" in the late 18th century. 

Prosperous Amsterdam around 1775 seen by Hendrik Keun (not related) 

Consul Abraham Keun and administrator Jean Jacques Dutilh, who was also to become one of Gladys' ancestors settled in Smyrne both marrying a daughter of George Boddington the British Consul. The Fantozzi and Purdie family's (above) were also (high) officials in Smyrne's administration. Dutilh was from French Huguenot descent, his protestant family  fled persecution from Bordeaux after 1685 (Edict of Fontainebleau) to Amsterdam.  


This completes more or less my research in Gladys Hadksinson's ancestors and family. Please send any information, corrections or comments for sharing. 


All pictures borrowed freely from the Internet for friendly, educational and non commercial use only.   


  1. Robert and Percival Hadkinson were caught and convicted as spies and given death sentences during World War One. They were pardoned thanks to to papal diplomacy. [Sources: De Tijd 13-10-1917, Nieuwe Venlosche courant 16-10-1917] On what conditions or allegations is unknown to me, the news source reports from Zurich, Switzerland. Percival Hadkinson is recognized as a former British intelligence agent in Smyrna. [Source: Aida Alayarian, Consquences of Denial: The Armenian Genocide (2008) p13; Yves Terron, Guerres et génocides au XXe siècle (2007) p136]

    1. Thank you very much. I really appreciate and am very grateful receiving these additional facts. I'll include them to Gladys' biography and prepare an update posting asap
