
Wednesday 12 July 2017

Käthe Kuntze: Forgotten Dresden artist (part 5)

Käthe Kuntze 


After finding a portfolio with mixed works (drawings, etchings, lithographic prints, watercolors and a collection of prints by her Dresden artist friends) by deaf Dresden artist Käthe Kuntze in an auction last winter I started sharing its contents in 4 postings with the results of my research March 31th. Two weeks ago, a surprised and pleased family member finding these postings contacted me and shared details on Käthe's life and her family updating her biography that will be included in the upcoming book. The family also allowed me to share and show some never before shown in public marvels by her hand that are safely in the private collection of Käthes relatives. 

And I am also happy to announce some very personal and unique works by Käthe from that portfolio once belonging to Käthe are now on the way home to her relatives taking care of and watching over her legacy. She had a very close relationship with her parents Albert (1842-1933) and Marie (1852-1941) who encouraged her artistically and probably watching over her and her career living in the keepers lodge of the Villa.  

Her father Albert was also a well known entomologist (insect expert and collector, at work above and drawn by Käthe) and keen painter. After receiving  Alberts portrait (detail) it was also possible to determine an etching from the portfolio, "Gartenrestaurant", also shows her parents.

This adventure started with finding a picture of her print "Sonnenflecken" in a Frankfurt catalogue. Besides the relationship with her parents she obviously was very attached to her homestead, her only sister Helene and her family, the beautiful villa of her parents build by her father, her studio and the lovely countryside. This part of Germany is the home of many wine estates, grand villas, health Spas, overlooking river Elbe.

"Sonnenflecken" was for a long time the only known example (known to me) by this neglected and obscured artist, the result of my research now resulting in opening a treasure cove. These new examples also prove as an artist (with a handicap) she needn't go far away for inspiration (although her father enabled and financed her traveling abroad with Dresden colleaque Martha Schrag (1870-1957).   

The Villa Albert Kuntze as it is generally known in Radebeul near Dresden was also called Villa Hohenberg by Käthe. It is also remarkable Käthe, her sister Helene and both parents all lived to very respectable age (89-91 years). 

More wonderful woodblock prints by Käthe to come in next posting !

All pictures shared with kind permission of the Kuntze family for friendly, educational and non commercial use only !      

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