
Thursday 6 September 2018

Walter Schürmeyer: who ?

(It took me some time to "find out" but, thankfully, the little grey cells proved to be more or less functioning: retrieving and linking an "unlabelled" image from the brains- to the computers database sometimes can be very hard awaiting a revolutionary plug-in and cabled solution) 

Dr. Walter Schürmeyer
(Krefeld 04-10-1889 – 17-07-1976 Königswinter) 

German librarian, art historian and printmaker. 

was the son of Krefeld “Realgymnasium” professor Franz Schürmeyer and Anna Schorlemmer. Studied art history, philosophy and history in Heidelberg, Munich, Oxford, Berlin and Marburg. Started working 1913 as assistant at “Reiffmuseum” in Aken, earning his degree in 1914 at Marburg Academy. 
Being married to Jewish Kornelia Marens(b. 08-07-1890) the Nazi regime forced him to give up his position and functions in 1937. Later he became director of Frankfurt “Bibliothek für Kunst und Technik” (Library of Arts and Technology). President (1948-1951) and after WW-II refounded in 1948 the “Deutschen Gesellschaft für Dokumentation” (DGD) He was also a pioneer in photographic techniques for the duplication of library materials and the introduction of microfilms for storage and documentation in libraries. Vice president of the “Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft” (FID) (German scientifique informations services) 1954-1964. He had a visionairy look on the future use and function of co-operating and interconnected institutions, collections and libraries. 

I have no idea if Walter Schürmeyer was the artist of this cigar smoking gentleman wearing a house cap. The monogram obviously "does not fit" W.S. (although I cannot make out the initials, yet) is also  inspired by Orliks well-known monogram OE. 

His popular booklet “Holzschnitt und Linolschnitt” (first published in the 1930’s ?) saw its 9th edition in 1973 as an “introduction in its technique for artists and laymen”. At page 1 is this machine printed woodblock print portrait of this  bearded man very similar and obviously inspired by Emil Orliks woodblock portrait of his friend Bernard Pankok at work (it would be nice to know the original print, lady in long coat, hat and shawl, on the wall !)

Schürmeyer probably was a close friend (Krefeld class-mate ?) of Heinrich Campendonk (Krefeld 1889 – 1975 Amsterdam) because in 2003 a modernist painting (nude) by Campendonk “bought by previous owner Schürmeyer from the artist” was auctioned on behalf of his descendants. 

All help and suggestions are welcomed. 

All pictures borrowed freely from the Internet for friendly, educational and non commercial use only. 

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