
Tuesday 23 April 2019

Linosaurus extinct

First and most of all I apologise for any inconvenience your visit to this humble Art Blog may recently have caused now it has been degraded by Google Law to the levels of visiting a porn site.

What has happened ?

Obviously some sad and frustrated individual has complained about the contents of this Blog. It happened shortly after showing a picture of an Arts & Crafts woodcarving that has since long been in my possession: mating storks that thanks to Google are now considered "pictures of a certain, inappropriate, objectional and explicit nature".

The mating storks symbolise the coming of spring and new life. 

(in many civilised and freed communities, liberated of stupid dogmas and blind puritanism)

In almost 10 years the Blog existed it saw over 900.000 page-views from all parts of the Planet. I was looking forward too greet the one Million'th visitor. Maintaining a blog about art, aesthetics and beauty I've never seen or heard any (not one) complaint. It received thousands of friendly and thankful comments and emails. And not to forget: through Blogging I made some dear and life time friends.   

So please allow me to correct and update the picture that probably was the cause of this situation. I think complaints based on puritan and backward standards like here, are even laughed at in the caliphate. Storks also mate and are welcomed as bringers of spring even deep in Syria and Irak.  

To be honest: I really do not understand Googles "policy": there has never been a complaint, no consultation, no message or notice of any kind. Whatso-ever. Nor does Google offer an opportunity to inquire, of hearing the other side, of explaining or ask for a revision. It simply stigmatizes with the click of  a button.   

Co-incidance ? This morning newspaper cartoon 
After some serious thoughts and considerations I decided the time has come to close the Blog and stop it. How can I be related to the "dirty pictures and obscene websites" Google has now associated me with. For my family, my granddaughters who now must ask permission and consent from their parents to see what "Opa" (granddad) may have shared and written. Besides, thanks to Googles' "Policy and Warning" visitor numbers seem to have almost come to a halt recently. So why bother to continue ? 

Those that count will know how to reach me. The research and the planned publications will continue of course. I plan to remove all (650) postings from the Internet in coming weeks beginning with the oldest. Allowing some time if there's anything you might want to look up or save.      

Thank you for all your support, all send information about forgotten and obscured painters and printmakers and all dear comments left on the postings. It has been a great journey and experience. 

So long, all the best !


  1. Very very sad to see this site go....thank you for the opportunity of showing my work several years best to you in all of your endeavours.

    Respectfully, Everett D. Wilson

    1. Thank you Everett. It is sad indeed. But how can I continue now this has happend ?
      There's no evolution without extension.

  2. Oh, Gerrie, don't close down your blog site. Transfer it to a blog with another title - or something. You have such wonderful works of art posted with biographies and history. It would be a shame for all of that to go away. Google's warning only makes your site more intriguing. And it was probably a nude someone complained about, not the storks. I saw the storks when you posted it, and did NOT interpret it as mating - though perhaps I should have. Please don't destroy all your work. A big virtual hug.

    1. Thank you, I really appreciate your moral support. And you me be right: maybe it was not the stocks "doing it" but another picture and maybe the storck "on top" was only enjoying a better view (they all seem to behave like that in spring, enjoying broader views, at least the adults). But how to avoid "nudity" in an art blog .....? Shall I show only flowers, birds and bees ? Censorship .... well, maybe OK, to a certain point, but at such levels of ignorance and stupidity isn't all hope gone ?

  3. Gerrie
    This is DREADFUL news, not just because of you choosing to close the blog (which I can understand) but because of the death of freedom of speech or in this case the presentation of beauty.

    Browsing through the blog, it could have been any post, with nudity in, that got the objection, but it might as easily be a comment you made! If they don't tell you you can't know! Stupid system.

    I agree with a commenter above that it would be terrible for all your work to be deleted. Remember there are also helpful comments that others have given you to aid research and you have a responsibility to them too.

    But when all is said and done YOU can choose to do what you want and we will still be grateful for the wonderful enthusiasm you shared with us.

    Best wishes in your future endeavors. I shall keep the RSS feed so if you add anything I'll see it!

    Ever the optimist,

    Norman (a fellow blogger with nudes on his sites...occasionally!)

    1. Hello Norman,
      if only "the system" would make clear which picture (or comment) caused violation problems I could adjust (or not). The bloody arrogance and stupidity of it all made me so sad I decided to quit. But as always, after a good nights sleep, and many supporting emails (not everybody wants or dares to comment in a site now "marked objectional" which I can understand. Maybe I'll leave the posts as they are. If they are still useful who am I to...... Some one suggested to create a new Blog but not knowing what I did wrong or who to address too.. never mind. So maybe not closing (when readers do not mind the "Beware button") but a break to think deeply about the future. I have invested 10 years of my life in this Blog and thanks to readers it delivers so many facts about the obscured artists I am interested in, let alone the friendships it brought.
      Thanks for your support.

  4. This is ridiculous and a tragedy! We can lot "alogorithms" control us. Absurd. This is one of the best and most thoroughly-researched sites on the internet. Please reconsider.
