
Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Unknown Lill Tschudi ?

 "Unbekannte" Lill Tschudi ?

Last summer this print popped up in an internet auction. It had stayed unrecognised and unwanted by any impulsive buyer, serious collector or commercial dealer: there's no signature. No signature, no attribution, no interest, no (commercial) value ? 
But then: who needs a signature with something this good ? Finally cataloging last year's collection acquisitions it was suggested (thank you Tom) it might be by the hand of Swiss artist Lill Tschudi (1911-2004) who was trained in London's Slate school and created over 300 often iconic prints. A second example of this print however was not yet found. 

It could be the reverse side is the correct side: both sides are of almost identical quality: the ink/paint through and through the fabric. Maybe another technical clue ? The (to me) illegible and faint (carved) lettering below is reversed in the above version of the picture. 

Looking for clues it seems very likely it is indeed (must be) by her hand: Style, Perspective and Colours are very similar to some (choice) examples found in the Internet.  What she depicted may be an orphanage or convent's dining room (although the women seem to wear no caps or robes of any religious sort). 

Two more of my favourite Lill Tschudi prints (who was a student of Claude Flight in London and Fernand Léger in Paris): "women(!) students in the nude drawing class" and b"athing women". 

Since prints by Lill Tschudi normally would be financially out of reach this may have been the only chance of ever being able to represent this printmaker in my special collection:

He or she, stumbling over this posting, who knows more: all information is very welcomed. 

All other pictures borrowed freely from the internet for friendly, non commercial and academic use only. 

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