
Saturday, 9 March 2024

Pont Neuf

 Le Pont Neuf (Paris)

The location is a well known, iconic and famous one: the oldest stone bridges of Paris connecting the western tip Isle-de-la-Cité (square Vert-Galant) with 2 sets of arches with the North and South banks of River Seine. Although there are 4 possible location of this perspective, seeing both Pont du Carrousel and Pont des Arts on the horizon,  below the arch, it is most likely this location:

Besides the fisherman, a mysterious tramrails (of which no examples of this structure in other copies of art or photograph could be found), some beached small vessels and the outline of a Bateau Lavoir (lower right) is visible. 
Although many artist impressions (paintings, etchings etc) of the Pont Neuf can be found the passage on quay level is not found very often.  First of all the Armington artist etching couple (Frank & Caroline) who frequented this particular site, came to mind but the signature tells different ! 
Maybe an interested reader or specialist can help reading the signature.....

Some nice examples by well and lesser known artists: 

Caroline Armington 

Jules de Bruycker 

William Wilson (Scottish)

August Lepère

All help and suggestions to the artist are very welcomed !

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