
Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Davira Fisher (Updated)

This week I received another colour example of Cincinatti artist Davira Fisher (1918-) woodblock printing art from American reader Bob Lung (see posting on Davura Fisher May 17th 2011)
This artist proof print titled Skyward has been hanging on the mantle and was  enjoyed for decades by Bob's aunt. He assured me, now he recently inherited the print, it will continue being appreciated in his home. Trying to find information on the Internet (which is very scarce) he stumbled over the Linosaurus and offered this print for sharing.  
Thank you Bob.  


  1. Lovely colours, nice idea.


  2. I was away for a week and multiple reactions on older postings came in. It's great to see the Blog is working in un-obscuring some fine artists. And revealing some nice and unknown prints like this one. It looks guite simple but there is great harmony in the composition and colours.
