
Sunday, 6 November 2011

Mystery Print:

For those interested in the identity of the printmaker of the mystery print in before last posting: it was by:

Louise Schnitzler-Wintermeyer

(1894 Wiesbaden -1871 Königstein)

Some 100 readers have seen the print of the Flower market last week (3 of them leaving comments, thank you). 

With the one above (Latin: Lonicera, English: Honeysuckle, German: Geis, French: Chèvre feuilles, Dutch: Kamperfoelie

Two examples of this German printmaker are now known (to me). See also the posting of march 2th 2011: 


  1. Gerrie - You beat all experts ! I never could have guessed correctly, even if you had put these two next to each other. Try this type of posting again and perhaps more follower might comment !!

  2. Thanks Steven, your reaction is encouraging enough to try and do it again.

  3. i never would have guessed! but this print here very much reminds me of a similar print by Arthur Illies of this same plant-- is it honeysuckle?

  4. You're right of course, it's honeysuckle (in G: Geis, Fr: Chèvre feuilees (goat leafs)) like the nice one by Illies you showed last april. Thanks

  5. actually, gerrie-- i was referring to this one! it's towards the bottom of the page.

  6. Ahh, that one is really nice, and I can see why you remembered and associated it with this one. Your little gray memory cells working fine. Thanks.

  7. you know, when i looked at them together, most of the similarity fell away. this one's color is glorious, when you see it at it's original size.

  8. Ahh....that explains. It's because of the colours I couldn't resist buying it many years ago and got interested in this woman (printmaker)resulting in finding (bargain buy) and owning the flower market just recently (see the earlier posting, intersting history) It's one (both are) of my favourites and hanging over my desk. I have put a lot of my collected stuff in my Bazaar (shop button) hopefully for swapping or trading in but hers are definitely to stay with me.
