Monday, 25 October 2010

N.N. Pirkhoff

N.N. Pirkhoff
Unknown Printmaker

worked 1925-1950 ?

(Please continue reading with my Januari 2011 posting where Viktor Pirkhoffs identity thanks to this article is discovered and shown in 4 posting !)

It took some time for me to notice that these flower woodblock prints, both offered simultaniously (!) but by different sellers, on Ebay (America) are by the same printer Pirkhoff. One is sold the other still on offer. I had never heard his name before nor have I come across any of his prints. Incredible and hard to believe when you see the quality of his prints.

His tulips in a vase might have been inspired by Hugo Noskes print (right).

The flower bouquet resembling stylish Martin Erich Philipp (right). I think this is the first time prints of this artist are seen together.

(Table cloth and curtains alternated)

The third print I found browsing at I think they will have no objection showing it here.

The subject (epiphyllum blooming) choosen by Philipp and Noske too. Maybe some day Pirkhoff's identity who, judging by these 3 prints was a very skillfull printer, will be revealed.


  1. Do you think they are European or American? They strike me as American

  2. Viktor Wolfgang Přikryl - Academically painter he born 3.12.1875 in Prague, studied at Julien academy in Paris and academy in Vienna, he was expose his paitings in Paris, New York, Curych etc. He died in Brno 11.9.1962. If you need more informations send me e-mail ( piskytlova.i

  3. Thank you very much Miroslav. You have been very helpfull and proving the strenght of the Internet by combining forces. Please help me with further details to re-discover this talented printer. The Julien Academy a very prestigous school with some very famous pupils. I shall do a second posting on Viktor soon as more details come up now his real name is known to us.
