Henri (Hans) Beers
Drawer, painter, book cover designer, scissor artist, wall decorator (paint and weaving), batik artist, glas window designer, linoleum and woodblock printer.

And then there was this print. On offer on a local auction site. Supposedly a linocut print on cloth 180 x 90 cm. The stunning design of fish and plants in a pond made me curious enough to do some research. The size suggesting this is a batik, a unique painting in wax, and dyed cloth. Or did he use multiple blocks printing the composition ?

Beers was a pupil of Chris Lebeau (1878-1945 Dachau, for helping Jews) and Samuel Jesserun de Mesquita (1868-1944 Auschwitz, for being Jewish), both famous and influential Dutch Art Nouveau artists. The woodcuts of Samuel J. de M. I shall show in a fortcoming posting. Versatile artist Hans Beers probably married Go Volker who was also a batik artist.

I only managed to find one painting and the two other prints above by Hans Beers although he was awarded an exhibition in 1972 in Epe in the Netherlands.

1927 album cover designed by Hans Beers.
See for the fish and pond print: http://antiek-kunst.marktplaats.nl/kunst-designobjecten/436080243-linosnede-plasgezicht-hans-beers-art-deco-180-x-90-cm.html