Alice Munsell (Muntell)
Note: December 2023 and 4 years after publication of this post part of the puzzle, the name of the artist (Munsell not Muntell) was solved with the help of a reader.
Not her identity. She could be related to American painter, art educator and colour theorist
Albert Henry Munsell (1858-1918). She is not one of his 4 daughters.
It was printed on older (19. century) paper (with a regular grid visible) and in the margin someone scribbled a name. A nice drawing, and a nice puzzle.
All help to identify the (supposedly) artist (the name mentioned could of course also refer to the sitter), would be very welcomed.
Post Script
Dec. 2023: The drawing was published as an illustration in 1900 in "the Dome" which existed for only 3 years (1897-1900) with another drawing by Alice's hand. Who wrote her name on my lithographically printed copy is unknown.
Thank you. It is very nice to find the identity of the artist after almost 5 years. I wonder if she is related to American artist and art teacher Albert Henry Munsell who invented (analyzed) a to this day used color system for artists...... He had daughters (not an Alice) but actually had a niece Alice Munsell who was born in 1859. The Dome was an interesting magazine but only short lived (18897-1900).